Monday, February 7, 2011


GIMP is a universal GNU photo manipulation software program.
Similar to programs such as Adobe Photoshop, SAI, and Open Canvas,
GIMP contains features that allow you to crop, scale, rotate, and edit images digitally.
Not only does GIMP contain all the features of an image editor that you would 
usually pay hundreds of dollars for, but the program is also features an interactive customizable interface
and the ability to save your project as a variety of supported  file types such as common 
JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and GIF to special types such as PSD, BMP, XCF, ZIP, and GZ.
GIMP also includes hardware support of a wide variety such as pressure and tilt tablets along
with a wide range of USB and MIDI controllers.
The program is an opensource based program.
Users generate new features which can be downloaded and applied with the 
simplicity of just a few clicks of the mouse.

File Size
24.5 mb

Platforms Supported
GNU/Lunix (i386/PPC)
Microsoft Windows XP/Vista
Mac OS X
Sun OpenSolaris


  1. i always hear such good things about GIMP. Maybe I'll give it a look when I get my laptop up and running.

  2. I've already got Photoshop, but maybe I should give GIMP a try. I know plenty of the deviantART community uses it.

  3. This is wonderful!

    Following now
